FIRE signs

Fire is the element of primal instincts of life. It rules over willpower, personality, charisma and ego. It also rules over space and represents the progression of the development of ego. 

The cardinal sign of Aries represents the raw power of life and its domain is the control of one’s own self. Aries’ motto is: “I am in control of myself, I am in control of my life”. He is the pure feeling of strength and power. He is the archetypal warrior and hero.

Leo as the fixed sign displays the further evolution of the ego and willpower, it strives to impose its will onto others and express its power through others. He is the king, the leader, the master of charisma.

Sagittarius as the mutable sign represents the furthest step of the evolution of willpower and ego. He is portrayed by the priest, the ideologist, the visionary. He imposes his power over others not by brute force and direct confrontation, like Aries, not by charisma and leadership like Leo, but gains followers by the power of ideas and faith.

Fire signs represent leadership, power and dominance and rule over others. They are the symbolic three pillars of civilization for thousands of years: Aries is the warlord, Leo is king, Sagittarius the priest. First rules over arms and brute force, second over humans and their egos and willpower, third over their ideas.

They can also be seen as the progression of dominance – Aries is rudimentary imposition through force and strength, Leo through charisma, he binds others to him by creation of cult, lastly, Sagittarius rules over the vastest distances by the power of ideas and belief.

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the warrior


the king


the sage

Earth signs

Earth is the element of constriction of matter. It represents stability and gravity. The cardinal sign of Capricorn represents stone, the mountains, and barren areas of the Earth. It signifies the matter in its rudimentary, cardinal state. Capricorn signifies survival.

While Capricorn stands for survival, Taurus as the fixed sign displays further evolution of the matter and signifies growth. It represents land that bears fruit, fertility, and birth.

Virgo represents the mutable condition of matter. It is in its mutable condition that earth gains the ability to transform and adapt and represents the mankind’s ability to think and use earth to build, acquire skill, and multiply its power.

Earth signs represent dominance and handling of matter and material wealth. The progression is easily discernible – Capricorn gravitates to constrict all matter into itself, Taurus births life and is able to give and grow, Virgo finally reaches the ability for transformation of matter – by creating economy it allows matter to move around the world.

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Air signs

Air is the element of thought, change, and sound.

Libra, as the air sign of cardinal quality signifies dissolution and decadence. It is the initial spark of change and doubt that juxtaposes the indomitable will of the instinct for life. Libra also represents the birth of sociability through knowledge of imperfection and incompleteness of one’s own self.

Aquarius represents the will to rule over knowledge, ideas, sounds and words. As the fixed air sign it gives form to the world of thoughts.

Gemini, finally, as the mutable air sign represents the full flexibility of movement and thought. It is the ultimate freedom to think.

Air signs present the human need to communicate, multiply and quicken things by seeing opportunities. They represent the power of collectiveness and explain human society. Libra is marriage, Aquarius friendship, Gemini is universal human equality.

They can also be seen as the reverse process of the progression of the ego, that of the fire signs. Libra is the first spark of conscience that no human can suffice for itself. Aquarius tends to strengthen that by creating true friendship and brotherhood. Gemini, as the mutable sign, brings this principle to perfection by multiplying itself endlessly.

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Water signs

Water is the element of emotion and nurturing, regeneration and healing. At the same time it represents weakness and vulnerability, being the opposite quality of the fire element.

The sign of Cancer represents the human need for shelter, protection and preservation. Symbolically, it is often presented as a lake, or a small, static body of water.

Scorpio, bearing the fixed quality, is presented by the river. While in the sign of Cancer emotion is calm, but static, in Scorpio it shows the ability to move and enervate and irrigate. It is the exchange of vulnerability and therefore represents sexuality.

Pisces are the ocean, the seemingly endless, huge body of water to which all other waters flow and mix. As a mutable water sign it strives to transcend the personal emotional quality of Cancer and the yearning quality of Scorpio searching for something to fill itself into, and therefore presents an all encompassing universal principle of love.

Water signs tell the story of the evolution of human emotion. Cancer is the recognition of one’s own needs, Scorpio is the yearning for emotional fulfillment in the other, and the wish to influence, Pisces strive to unite all in universal emotion.

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